Level : SMP
Class / Semester : VIII / 2
Skill : Reading
Topic : Narrative Text
Technique : GTM
1. Students can identify about information in narrative text.
2. Students can develop the reading skill.
3. To arouse the students interest to the material.
4. Students can increase the vocabulary.
5. Students develop the pronunciation.
a. Show the narrative text and read the text aloud. (Task 1)
b. Ask the students to study the Generic Structure of the text. (Task 1)
c. Ask the students to read the model of narrative text. (Task 2)
d. Ask the students to read new vocabularies and write the meaning. (Task 3)
e. Check together with the class.
f. Ask the students to find the antonym of some words from the text. (Task 4)
g. Check together with the class.
h. Ask the students to decide wheether the following statement are True or False and then support the answer. (Task 5)
i. Check together with the class.
j. Ask the students to answer the questions of narrative text. (Task 6)
k. Check together with the class.
l. Ask the students to complete the narrative text. (Task 7)
m. Check together with the class.
Task 1 : Mention the generic structure of the text !

One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.
This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.
Task 2 : Read the text aloud !

One day, when the cicadas were singing and dancing, they saw a long line of ants carrying food to their anthill. The cicadas invited the ants to join them. But the ants said, “We have to get ready for the winter. If you don’t do the same thing, you will be sorry later.”
The cicadas answered, “We can fly anywhere we want with our strong wings, stupid ants !” And the cicadas kept on singing and dancing.
But the cicadas wings were wet from the rain and the snow. The ants said, “We were sorry. If you have told us, we would have worked harder and saved some food for you. But it is too late. If we lend you food, there will not be enough food for us, so sorry“. Then, they closed their door.
The next day, when the ants opened their door, they found the cicadas dead. That’s why, nowadays, we can hear cicadas sing in the summer, but not in the winter.
Task 3 : Find the meaning of the bold words!
1. industrious : .......................................................................
2. summertime : .......................................................................
3. all the time : .......................................................................
4. anthill : .......................................................................
5. invited : .......................................................................
6. anywhere : .......................................................................
7. cicadas : .......................................................................
8. told : .......................................................................
9. saved : .......................................................................
10. winter : .......................................................................
Task 4 : Find the antonym of the words !
1. Lazy :
2. Strong :
3. Stupid :
4. Closed :
5. Wet :
Task 5 : State True (T) or False (F) based on the text above!
1. The cicadas are lazy.
2. The cicadas sang in the winter.
3. The ants enjoy the winter.
4. The cicadas and the ants were very busy to prepare the winter.
5. The cicadas invited the ants to dance.
Task 6 : Answer these questions based on the text !
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?
2. What is the type of the text above ?
3. In what paragraphs, can we find the orientation of the story ?
4. What are the characters in the story above ?
5. Where and when did the story take a place ?
6. What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to ?
7. Why did the ants work so hard in the summer ?
8. Who sang and danced in the winter ?
9. Why didn’t the ants give food to the cicadas ?
10. What is the moral value we can get from the story ?
Task 7 : Complete the story with the correct words from the boxes !
Two man were travelling together, when a bear suddenly (1) ... them on their path. One of them quickly climbed up a tree and (2) ... among the branches. The other, filling that he would be attacked, (3) ... flat on the ground.
The bear (4) ... up and (5) ... him with his snout, and (6) ... him all over. The man (7) ... his breath, and pretended to be dead.
The bear soon (8) ... him, because it is (9) ... that bears will not touch a dead body.
When the bear was quite gone the other travellers came down out of the tree. With clever grin, he inquired of his friend, “Just what was it that the bear whispered in your ears ?”
His companion replied, “He (10) ... me the advice : never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.”

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